Feng Shui from the Heart

romantic-bedroom-settingIf you’re wanting to call in a partner, enhance an existing relationship, heal the loss of a relationship, balance a troubled one, or be ecstatic about the fact that you’re in a relationship with yourself this year, Feng Shui has a lot to say on this topic. The most important place in your home to reflect changes around a relationship and the best place in which to start is in your bedroom. There are a couple of over-arching factors to consider before placing specific Feng Shui adjustments. One factor is that your bedroom should be your favorite room. From wall color to woodwork, from carpet to curtains—-you should LOVE what you have here. If you don’t, figure out what needs to happen so that you do. If you may be tiring of what you once loved, take some time to think about what it would take to fall in love with this room all over again. Sometimes a small adjustment can make the difference.

The second factor is that the room should be free of clutter. This means not only stuff sitting around on dresser tops or under the bed, but also having items in there that simply do not belong. This might include work-out equipment, desk, shelves filled with books, television, computer, stuff that has nowhere else to go. All of these extra items are in contradiction to your bedroom which should be giving you a message of balance, support and appreciation. Remove what you can; cover with gorgeous fabric what you can’t.

Here are more ideas on how to bring heart into your bedroom…

  • Use round or oval shapes in your bedroom as they represent completion and balance. This could include but is not limited to round night-stands, rug, oval picture frames, round pillows, fabric pattern that are round-ish. Or you can place the furniture at an angle in the corners of the room to bring a more circular flow.
  • Use pairs of items in the bedroom since they reflect a couple or the two sides of self that are working together. Incorporate two candles, two chairs, two pillows or plants. Make sure the artwork maintains the same idea—a couple, a pair of birds, an even number of flowers. All of these reflect a yin-yang balance important in a hetereosexual relationship, a same sex relationship and a relationship with yourself.
  • Bring romance into the bedroom. This may mean having candles ready to burn or lush pillows to lean against. Rocking chairs are romantic to some people. If you have a partner, make sure your idea of “romance” coincides with your partner’s idea. Bringing in flowers because they make you feel sensual and lavish but your partner is allergic to flowers will not bring you closer together. Think of romantic items together that you both will love.
  • Always make sure there’s room for a partner if you’re trying to call one in even if it’s symbolic—a small part of a dresser or a drawer will be a message to the partner and, more importantly, to yourself that you not only have room physically but also emotionally to share your life.
  • Remove dried flowers from the bedroom as they are “dead” and cannot promote a vital relationship.
  • Remove stuffed animals depicting your childhood preference as you do not want to be a child in your bedroom but a grown up. This also refers to baby pictures of yourself or photos of you as a child. They don’t belong in the bedroom—-anywhere else is fine.
  • Remove photos of other people as well—–even your own children! Keep your boundaries clear; this is a room for you (and a partner) only.
  • Keep the door closed to your bedroom if it’s close to the front door or the living room. Peering eyes should not violate your space.

Incorporate as many of these Feng Shui ideas as you feel appropriate. Once you start to make some changes in this crucial room, you will feel the difference and be inspired to try some of the other ideas. Listen to your heart as you integrate Feng Shui for it will guide you to making the correct steps toward celebrating your special Valentine—-whether it’s another person or it’s you.