05 Apr Does Feng Shui Make My “But” Look Big?
People struggle with change, even people who ask for help making changes. Even when the changes are positive and could enhance their lives, they find it difficult to move away from a familiar pattern. As a Feng Shui consultant, my job is to advise people on changes they could make in their environment. It may involve fixing something or de-cluttering. It may involve bringing something new into the space. It may involve an energetic ritual that will help to balance things out or get something moving. Feng Shui is all about change.
Yet, I am surprised how people argue with me about my suggestions. They track me down, call and make an appointment, pay me money, yet want to debate my advice. I may offer several possibilities, going down my mental list of what to do in their particular situation. Still, I hear “….yeah, but….” —-that won’t work, that’s too hard, that’s too easy, I tried it and it doesn’t work, I didn’t try it because I knew it wouldn’t work, my family will hate it, my parents will hate it, I think my husband will hate it. I am very careful about spelling out the positive results they could enjoy by implementing some of these ideas.
I’m not suggesting that every piece of my advice is without discussion. Of course not. I just would like people to honestly consider the suggestion for at least five seconds before I hear “yeah, but.” For those you who are in this “yeah,but” category, this is for you: I realize it may be unhandy to use your front door, but after explaining how important and pivotal the door is to your overall well-being, please consider my idea for just a moment before dismissing it totally. I realize moving your desk to the other side of the room will require plugging and unplugging lots of electronic gear, but at least think about it before saying no since it could drastically change how you do your business. I know de-cluttering is a pain, but don’t throw out the idea because your energy is low—-the clutter is in your health area—this will help your energy.
Rather than give something a try, some people continue to look for an action that won’t require commitment or any kind of inconvenience. The excuses get long and complicated—-after all that, it may have been easier to move the desk or use the front door. But, I understand change is hard. I only ask that people give it some honest consideration. Take a breath and think about it before assuring me that, yeah, it could work, but. . . . All those “buts” are indeed big. Remember, “but” stands for “Being Unable to Try.”