As a quick review from last month's column, I began relating the story of a client of mine ("Ned") who invited me to his home in a small town not far from Minneapolis. Although open to the idea of energy and it's potential impact on...

Much to my surprise and delight, I received an enormous response to a column I wrote a couple issues back. In that particular article I recounted some personal stories of people who were using various Feng Shui techniques to bring about a specific change in their...

Every year about this time a lot of us get the urge to haul old clothes out of closets, empty dresser drawers and even wash windows. We do this under the name of "spring cleaning." As nature begins its cycle of rebirth and new beginnings,...

When a question or situation is presented to me from more than one source, I pay attention.  I figure it means there's a personal message here indicating something I should address in my own life.  For some reason in the last couple of weeks, I've...

Lately, for some reason, questions have been coming my way from clients as well as students about footboards.  Knowing that a headboard holds significant meaning in terms of feeling supported in the bed as well as in life, the obvious question reolves around the other...

My husband, ever the consummate gardener, took on a project this past weekend.  Actually it was driven by my recommendation, but truthfully, if any of my ideas has to do with working in the yard, he's always on board.  Several years ago we placed three...

If one of your goals for 2000 is to call a partner into your life or to enhance a partnership that is already existing but seems to be lacking the thrill it used to have, the best room in your home in which to make...

Lately I’ve been addressing a lot of issues in my appointments with people who find themselves living in a space that has no meaning for them. This comes about in many ways. Sometimes a person was drawn to move into a house years ago and...

It happened to me again, as it has so often in the last few years. I was in a social setting, chatting with someone I hadn't seen for a while, when I felt a tug on my sleeve. Standing before me was a woman with whom I'd...

In Feng Shui the front door is one of the most important aspects to the house.  It symbolically represents the entry through which good luck will enter the home.  If the door is not used or is “invisible” because it’s on the side or is...

These days a lot of people I'm seeing are dealing with work issues. Some are caught in a job they hate but don't dare leave with the economy the way it is. Despite the disdain of their job, they're just thankful to have one, so...

In the last couple of weeks I've discussed the issue of lake homes with a group of my students in the Wind & Water School of Feng Shui Masters' program.  About the same time someone else sent me a question addressing the same situation.  The question...